News - CIMPOR will reduce CO2 emissions up to 37% by 2030


CIMPOR will reduce CO2 emissions up to 37% by 2030

Climate change and environmental degradation are probably the biggest global threat today. Thus, very ambitious measures are needed in order to reverse the current situation. There must be a commitment from current generations to leave a sustainable planet to future generations, our children and grandchildren. Everyone has to be aware that planet B does not really exist.

The European Commission understood that, in order to respond to the challenges at hand, we need a new growth strategy that will transform the European Union into a modern, competitive and efficient economy in terms of resource use and carbon neutrality. With this purpose, it released in December 2019 the Green Deal document, which defines the strategy whose objective is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

CIMPOR, aware of the environmental impacts of its activity, has made large investments to minimize or even eliminate them. We understand that the cement industry in general, and CIMPOR in particular, are part of the solution regarding to climate change.

With this purpose in mind, CIMPOR set the objective of reducing by 37% of direct CO2 emissions until 2030 (*). This measure, integrated in the company's long-term environmental strategy, is part of the transition plan to a carbon neutral economy, which should occur by the middle of this century.

CIMPOR, honoring its past of strong commitment to the sustainability of its activity, assumes, through this testimony and before society, the commitment to continue to contribute decisively to the decarbonization of our economy, and, in this way and in the part that it concerns, to the sustainability of the planet.