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6225-051 Aldeia de São Francisco de Assis
Castelo Branco
Raw Materials
Other: Concentrated of WO3, Sn and Cu.

Beralt Tin and Wolfram Portugal, S.A.
The Panasqueira Mine is the generic name of the set of mineral exploitations, between Cabeço de Pião (Fundão District) and the village of Panasqueira (Covilhã district), which have been working in a technically integrated way since its discovery, one hundred years ago.
All the individual concessions were grouped into one single mining area known as the “Couto Mineiro da Panasqueira” and later in the present Exploiting Concession C-18, with an area of 1913 ha. The lowest point of the mining concession is located near the Zêzere River at an elevation of 360 m and the higher mark in the geodetic of Chiqueiro and at an elevation of 1086m.
The Panasqueira Mine is located in Covilhã, Castelo Branco District, among the massive of S.Pedro do AÇor and Gardunha. The Almonty Industries Inc has bought 100% of the stocks of the company to the Sojitz group in the beginning of 2016 and has changed its name to Beralt Tin and Wolfram (Portugal) SA and it is nowadays the main owner pf the Minas da Panasqueira.
The mining facilities are located in the area of da Barroca Grande - Aldeia de S. Francisco de Assis (Covilhã), where the access to the underground exploration is done, the mineral extraction and the processing of it.
The exploitation continues to a very large area between levels 0 and 3. The mine is the biggest employer in the area, with around 300 direct jobs, and the employers live in the surrounding villages of Barroca Grande, S. Jorge da Beira, Silvares, Unhais-o-Velho e Dornelas do Zêzere. Besides the wolfram, the Minas da Panasqueira also produce concentrates of copper and tin and are worldwide known by their extraordinary wolfram cristals, apatite, siderite, “arsenopirite”, “marcasite”, cassiterite and quartz.
All the individual concessions were grouped into one single mining area known as the “Couto Mineiro da Panasqueira” and later in the present Exploiting Concession C-18, with an area of 1913 ha. The lowest point of the mining concession is located near the Zêzere River at an elevation of 360 m and the higher mark in the geodetic of Chiqueiro and at an elevation of 1086m.
The Panasqueira Mine is located in Covilhã, Castelo Branco District, among the massive of S.Pedro do AÇor and Gardunha. The Almonty Industries Inc has bought 100% of the stocks of the company to the Sojitz group in the beginning of 2016 and has changed its name to Beralt Tin and Wolfram (Portugal) SA and it is nowadays the main owner pf the Minas da Panasqueira.
The mining facilities are located in the area of da Barroca Grande - Aldeia de S. Francisco de Assis (Covilhã), where the access to the underground exploration is done, the mineral extraction and the processing of it.
The exploitation continues to a very large area between levels 0 and 3. The mine is the biggest employer in the area, with around 300 direct jobs, and the employers live in the surrounding villages of Barroca Grande, S. Jorge da Beira, Silvares, Unhais-o-Velho e Dornelas do Zêzere. Besides the wolfram, the Minas da Panasqueira also produce concentrates of copper and tin and are worldwide known by their extraordinary wolfram cristals, apatite, siderite, “arsenopirite”, “marcasite”, cassiterite and quartz.
Barroca Grande,6225-051 Aldeia de São Francisco de Assis
Castelo Branco
Eng.º António Corrêa de Sá (Administrador Executivo)
+351 214 601 926
+351 214 601 927
Contact person
Dr. Pedro Silva (Director Administrativo)
+351 275 659 100
Location of Quarries/Mines
Castelo BrancoNumber of Quarries/Mines

Raw Materials

wolfram,tin, copper, crystals shop